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The Hills Are Alive

This is going to be whatever....Blogging about anything and everything.

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Location: Los Angeles, California

Read my blogs and eventually you'll know as much about me as I know about me, and probably more!

Friday, October 07, 2005

Well, here's my second post. So, last night I bid on a wonderful item on Ebay. (What a surprise!!!). This one seller has listed this Video three times since I first found it, a few months ago. "Lena Horne, The Lady And Her Music". Somewhere, I already have this since I love Lena Horne, and saw her fabulous one woman show, twice on Broadway and once here in Los Angeles. It's a truly great great show! Lena Horne was over 60 when she played this show on Broadway, 8 times a week! God Bless Her!!! And at the top of her game, at that. She had grown into her true self by that time and just performed her heart out. I've seen many many wonderful performers in my lifetime; Judy Garland, who, in my experience was the greatest 'living' performer I ever saw; and I saw her through many incarnations over many many years; the last fantastic memorable performance was at the Hollywood Bowl. Something like this, you never forget, ever. Lena Horne is/was a close second to Miss Garland in terms of her artistry, her choice of material, her presentation---simple, direct---it was all about the music and touching the audience in every way with her persona as a great great Artist. So, when this show was on television, I taped it. God knows where it is. I must have a thousand tapes, and a great many of them are in storage. So Lena could be in storage. I figured if I could get this Video on Ebay, I'd be as happy as a clam. Well, early this morning, bidding got furious...and what had been sitting at $35. for a few days, closed out at $104.29...and this all happened in the last 10 minites...most of the escalation in the last 2 minites! My last bid was going to be $80., (CRAZY, I know...) but by the time I got to the confirmed page to click on "confirm", my last bid was already outdated. I was outbid, at the last minite by...well, God knows how many others...cause when I looked at the final selling price I almost could not understand how it got to that in the last minite and 20 seconds before time ran out! This is the second time I have been outbid in this particular item. So I thought, what is this all about? Well, maybe I'm supposed to go through all my tapes and find "Lena". Maybe that's the lesson here. Do you think? I mean it's crazy to get so carried away that you bid yourself up to a (what I think is...) ridiculous amount of money for something you know you already have!!! That's the Ebay addiction in a nutshell, isn't it? Spending money you shouldn't on something you don't need, and in this case, already have! Help me, oh nurse!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, OldLady, welcome to the blogosphere! How exciting—and three posts already? Oy, you put us old-time bloggers to shame. Reading your post about seeing the likes of Lena Horne and Judy Garland makes me drool. Details please. As far as I'm concerned, you should write detailed accounts of every play and show and concert you ever saw, I would be riveted! And you know so many interesting people (and are one yourself) that you will never be at a loss (you could write a whole blog about Betty alone!). Do you think you'll stay anonymous for long? I'll try not to "out" you in my comments!

So, mazel tov, and keep 'em coming!

3:43 PM  

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